Dial Thermometer - Instant Read - Press Release

MAN LAW # 8: A proper sear negates any harmful effect of a steak falling on the ground

There are many minor disasters that can befall a BBQ chef. You may drop the food on the ground (see above); you may not have enough food (the reason garnishes were invented); you may wake up to the fact that the blokes you invited are never in a million years going to get on with the people your partner invited (this is partly why alcohol was invented); you may even run out of beer (actually – that is a category 1 disaster and cannot be dealt with here).

MAN LAW understands – which is why they’ve come up with an entire range of manly BBQ products to avert minor and more major disasters – although they don’t order beer for you.  The Dial Instant Read Thermometer is one of them. It’s general purpose so it can check fridge temperature as well as meat and any other cooking temperature. It has a temperature range from -20°C – +100°C; the probe is made from tough stainless steel; it’s dishwasher safe and it has a large glow-in-the-dark dial for easy reading.

So while MAN LAW can’t help with your partner’s choice of friends or your optimistic view of your mates’ beer-consuming capacity, they can make sure that any minor disasters that befall you are not BBQ based.

Dial Instant Read Thermometer MAN-T816C BBQ: $10 including GST.